Newfangled's logo is a play on college students, raccoons, and food! Often times, as kids or students get tired, they start to form dark rings under their eyes; therefore, the logo becomes a raccoon. Raccoons are also always very hungry and often eat anything and anywhere. Well, just like raccoons, college students will eat anything and anywhere.


Newfangled advertising was centered on and geared towards what college students might see on a daily basis in and out of school. Putting ads in places like bus stops, billboards, sidewalk posters, social media posts, email marketing, and more Ads were created in Illustrator and Photoshop with the use of UX, packaging, and branding assets.
Newfangled packaging was made to be fast and easy. College students don't always have the time of day to sit and eat in the comfort of their own homes. Sometimes they might have to eat in their car, on the bus, in class, at work, etc. With simple and straight-forward packaging, eating anywhere and everywhere is a much easier option.

Newfangled also provides food trucks within the local food deserts; as of right now, there are trucks stationed and running within Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and New Orleans. Newfangled food trucks provide all the same food as the Newfangled app does. Our Newfangled food trucks are committed to providing the best quality, most affordable food within the area.
The Newfangled app is geared towards college students directly in or within 10 miles of a food desert. Users will be asked to put in their college and area, and they will then be given a confirmation code sent to their student email. Ensuring that they truly are students and live in the correct area. The Newfangled app offers a wide variety of healthy, fresh, good-quality, and affordable food. The app was created using Adobe XD; click the link below for the full prototype.

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